1. The house will lock itself after you leave from breakfast, turns up the heat without programing because it has learned on its own, The house can also remember stuff like if you tell it to remember to buy laundry detergent for you because it picks up your words and you can put stuff on your to do list.
2. Make domestic life easier and for older home owners.
3. it is similar because in the story There Will Come Soft Rains the house aoutomaticaly turns the heat up and turns the coffee pot on in the morning and the house learns to function on its own and picks up what the people in the house do on a daily bases. So in There Will Come Soft Rains when the house catches on fire it fends the fire off with out have to be told and does it on its own.
4. To me the most important invention is when the house starts the coffee, turns the lights on, and the shower for you because it saves you time so you can get to work faster if you are running late.
Okay - good answers.