Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Inside the home of the future questions.

1.  The house will lock itself after you leave from breakfast, turns up the heat without programing because it has learned on its own, The house can also remember stuff like if you tell it to remember to buy laundry detergent for you because it picks up your words and you can put stuff on your to do list.

2. Make domestic life easier and for older home owners.

3. it is similar because in the story There Will Come Soft Rains the house aoutomaticaly turns the heat up and turns the coffee pot on in the morning and the house learns to function on its own and picks up what the people in the house do on a daily bases. So in There Will Come Soft Rains when the house catches on fire it fends the fire off with out have to be told and does it on its own.

4. To me the most important invention is when the house starts the coffee, turns the lights on, and the shower for you because it saves you time so you can get to work faster if you are running late. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Vocabulary 3

Infatuated:(Adjective) Intensely fond.
Negotiable:(Adjective) Able to be bargained with.
Translucent: (Adjective) Allowing light to shine through.
Reprehensible:(Adjective) Deserving blame and criticism.
Atrocity:(Noun) Extremely or shockingly wicked, cruel, or brutal
Eccentric:(Adjective) irregular; erratic; peculiar; odd
Fanatical:(Adjective) motivated or characterized by an extreme, uncritical enthusiasm or zeal, as in religion or politics.
Unperturbed:(Verb) To disturb or disquiet greatly in mind; agitate.
Dejectedly:(Adjective) Depressed in spirits; disheartened; low-spirited.
Rejuvenate:(Verb) To make young again; restore to youthful vigor, appearance.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Miss Strangeworth how she changes over the story

At the beginning of the story Miss Strangeworth who lives on Pleasant Street with her roses is a sweet inesant old lady who is well known through out the town. When she goes to the store everyone says hi and pretty much admires her. Then when she talks like to people in person she is nice to them then once she walks away she starts thinking bad about them in her head.
Through out the story you start to see another side Miss Strangeworth that is more evil but hides it from everyone and doesn’t want anyone to know about it. Later in the story when she gets home she sits down and starts writing letters to like Mrs. Harper one of her “friends” saying. “ You never know about doctors. Remember they’re only human and need money like the rest of us. Suppose the knife slipped accidentally. Would doctor Burns get his fee and a little extra from that nephew oh yours.” She sends this letter right before Mrs. Harper has her operation. The reason she did this was because she thought as long as evil existed unchecked in the world it was her duty to keep her town alert to it. Until in the end they find out that she has been sending them and she gets a mean letter back and so now she knows that people know her secret and starts crying.